Friday, August 27, 2010

I think you're the older brother

I found this song today and am quietly obsessed with it. The song is called "Older Brother" by California band Pepper Rabbit. The band releases their new (and first) album Beauregard on October 26th-and after hearing the first song off of the album via HypeMachine I think its going to be really excellent.

The song starts with this little eukelele solo mixed in with drums and a glockenspiel possibly. Overall the instrumentals in the song are very minimalist but it just makes it all the more clean in its composition. Then comes the vocals which are just amazing-its faded a little in the background in to an echo effect (much like the effects used by The Shins). I have not yet had a chance to really read an process the lyrics-the liner notes are still nowhere to be found. The song has this real sway to it that really demands your attention. The song lyrics from what I can hear are pretty sad. What really gets me is the refrain "And I think you're the older brother that I never had, I wish I could reach out and touch you, don't worry I'm not sad, I know you're just where you want to be" That line is just so beautiful-hopefully all of their songs will carry this lyrical weight-my anticipation for the album to come out is palpable right now.


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