Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Project

So I decided to start a new little project. Over dinner tonight some friends and I were discussing what songs would populate a "Desert Island" mix tape. I worked for a little while on mine and realized there were a lot of aspects that needed to be taken in to account. First off was figuring out how much I could put on such a tape, we settled with 80.0MB +/- 1MB, that leaves room for roughly between 17-20 songs. Then there is the question on what should really be on there? Should I forgo the number of songs for songs that are up to 6-minutes long, a true ballad but maybe a waste of space.

The average length of a song on my mix ended up being around 3 and 1/2 minutes which I'm satisfied with for 19 songs. The next question is what are you really looking for? I mean do you want songs that mean something to you, or just songs you can vibe with and just enjoy no matter how childish-are you picking songs that you will become sick of, or could you listen to them 1,000,000 times and never tire of them. What you have to realize is that this playlist doesn't represent your music taste-it is just what you boil down to after a while.

What follows is my first attempt at a mix, as the week progresses I will post other peoples desert island mixes, on Sunday I'll do a little best of.


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