Friday, April 16, 2010

Just a sci-fi kid like you

Just about to leave for my mid-April hiatus and I thought I should try and get in at least one last post. I'm going to try and write 2 posts or something and have them auto-publish themselves. Anyway the song is called "Sci-Fi Kid" by Blitzen Trapper.

As the song first comes on you're not really sure what you've gotten yourself in to. But it progresses quickly in to an up-beat indie pop song. It has a little bit of influence coming from Beck (especially in the lo-fi vocal recordings and the guitar). The song tends to be a little repetitive and lacking in the lyrics but it really does have something that keeps you hooked. I think that thing keeping me involved in the slight smell of techno somewhere in the song and then the full on techno break at the end. It's so synth heavy you think its "Crimson and Clover" being smashed into an MGMT song (large hadron collider style-awwww yeaaahhhh).

Enjoy the song and I'll catch up with you all-maybe I'll be lucky enough to stumble upon some more music on my forray in to the college scene.

"Sci-Fi Kid" by Blitzen Trapper from Wild Mountain Nation (2007)


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