Monday, April 5, 2010

Placid as I melt in to the sea

This song isn't really comparable to anything else I know. It's The XX's "Crystalised" (intentionally spelled wrong, I think not). The driving guitar really powers through the song in a way that you get a little out of Modest Mouse's "Dramamine" but not nearly as pretty and just as hypnotizing. What stands out most about "Crystalised" though, is the vocals. They are incredibly haunting in a way that you hear with bands like The National or Bon Iver in some cases. I really don't know much about The XX except for the fact that they are from England.

The day I heard this song I was working my first Pre-J gig at the radio station and one of the hosts told me to try putting on this song. I was instantly struck by how beautiful it was. I'm not sure I love it, or even like it for that matter, but it is certainly striking.

Something just grabs you right from the start and doesn't let you go until the final wind down and the really classy fade at the end, its like a breakdown, that is the only way to describe the close which comes just as softly as the intro. One of my favorite parts was the overlap of vocals in the last minute, it is really awesome and pretty powerful to listen to as an effect. Hope you enjoy!

"Crystalised" by The XX from xx (2009)


P.S. Try and check out the whole album, it was rated one of the best of the year 2009 by Rolling Stone.

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