Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just like yesterday I told you I would stay

I'm sure everyone ever has written about this song by now and I'm not late for the bandwagon it just never crossed my mind to write about it. The song is "Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear off of their newest album Veckatimest (relatively speaking-the album came out in May of 2009).

The song was rated by seemingly every music blog to be in the top 100 songs of the year and even the one of the top songs of the decade. Although, it is extremely easy to say why, the song is completely hypnotizing. The vocals are incredible-they keep you on the edge of your seat, you feel like your about to just fall in to this song, as if waiting for something to happen but nothing ever happens (I mean that in a positive way-it's enticing in that way). The drum beat moves the song along with the pounding bass drum and snare rolls that just make it move-it definitely gives off the air that The Smiths were a major influence-at least vocally, and lyrically.

Critics of the song are quick to argue that the song possesses similarities to "Still D.R.E." by Dr. Dre-while the beats and keyboard parts are similar they are very different-and obviously give off a different feel all together. Just hearing it you know that Grizzly Bear has hit the nail on the head with this one, it's perfect and nearly flawless-the only possible criticism that might be apparent is the repetitiveness of parts of the song but they are chilled out by simple changes to the melody. Parts are often phased out to isolate other parts of the track to add the slightest bit of complexity. Regardless, I feel that most will enjoy this song-it is for certain one of the best songs of 2009-maybe the decade (there were a lot of great songs in the last 10 years though).

"Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear from Veckatimest (2009)


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