However "Louis XIV" the song is not what I want to rave about, it is another song called "All The Little Pieces." The song starts out with a simple piano/strings intro that is really as classic as the mixing on the vocals come out to be. What really gets me though about this song is the drumming, its not too fancy but the fills are so perfect for the song it just melts and sounds amazing. Another great part is the break down at around 1:00 and then the subsequent buildup. Best part: around 1:40 with the vocal mix shift that is just pure classy and nothing else. It sounds so old school too. This song proves that I can easily misjudge a band-pure unadulterated awesome. Just a note, this song for the most part is unrepresentative of Louis XIV, they are usually described as raunchy, juvenile, and humorous, this is definitely a departure from their other works (see: "Hall of Mirrors," still a great song just very different).
"All The Little Pieces" by Louis XIV from The Best Little Secrets Are Kept (2005)
"Hall Of Mirrors" by Louis XIV from Louis XIV (2003)-great guitar and vocals from Jason Hill