OK, I'll admit it, I have judged a book by it's cover, in this case,
MGMT's new album
Celebration. I heard the first released song on the album on YouTube, and to be honest, didn't think much of it. I felt like I was expecting to show up at a rave, and I had walked in on Rosh Hashanah Services at Temple Beth Eloheim. I said to myself; "Really? Really
MGMT? What happened to
"Time To Pretend" and
"Electric Feel"? Where was the techo-esque rock and roll I was expecting. Where were the synthesizers and drum loops? Immediatly I dismissed
Congratulations. They had duped us, just another band putting out commercially sucessful hits and then using them as the foot in the door for what they really want to do (usually artsy crap that won't move and units off of the shelves.)

Anyway, already biased, I was handed the album by my English teacher. I was skeptical at first having already heard
"Flash Delirium," my hopes and dreams of what a new
MGMT already smashed all over the floor. With nothing to lose I put it on. Surprisingly enough, I liked it. This showed and entirely new side of
MGMT, a softer, more acoustic side. I kind of, dare I say, liked it. This was much more chill than their first album, relaxed and layed back. Sure it wasn't what I had hoped, pop-y tunes with a flaring beat and synthesizers up to the eyeballs. This was something different, not worse in any way, just different. This different side, in the end proved to be really something great. I went in with low expectation and I have ended up pleasently surprised. I mean, this isn't the best album ever to be laid down, but it is pretty great, one of the better CD's I have heard this year, and the flow is like nothing else. It melts in to each song like a
Phish set.
There are a couple stand-out track on
Congratulations. Particularly the title song
"Congratulations" ends up being a great song, the beginning is slow, starting out with more of a more eastern feel, with a
VU influence. The vocals are great, and the acoustic guitar fits in perfectly with a elegant drum beat. I want to say the song almost feels like it was written for a
Wes Anderson movie if that makes sense. Another great track is 12-minute behemouth
"Siberian Breaks" which I don't want to write about at any particular length, but it is totally hypnotic and
well worth a listen. The song that stands out most like it would fit on their first album is
"It's Working" but even saying that is a stretch. It definitely has more of a pop feel but it is far from techno, almost having a 60's feel-good vibe (almost beach rock?).
Anyway, for once I was wrong. My sincerest apologies
MGMT. You have proven me wrong and bested me. What remains to be seen however is if
MGMT is an acoustic band dressed like a techno band or the reverse. Only time will tell, but their next album will be worth the wait. It will also recieve my undivided attention,
and get the respect it will undoubtedly deserve.
"Siberian Breaks" by MGMT from Congratulations (2010)
"Congratulations" by MGMT from Congratulations (2010)
"It's Working" by MGMT from Congratulations (2010)-S
*Editors Note: Yes I
am aware this was an album before MGMT's 2007 album
Oracular Spectacular, however they were still under the name "The Management" and only really released a demo album called
Climbing To New Lows (2005), which for the most part was ill-received and is only really remembered for the debut of
"Kids" which didn't hit it big until recently.*